January 15, 2021

3 Space Coordinates: Vertical - Horizontal - Diagonal

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Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal are the directions or orientations that a line can take. The study of the direction or orientation of a line falls into a branch of mathematics known as geometry. As its name implies, “geo” stands for Earth and "metry" for measurement; for this reason, everything we discuss here refers to terrestrial space and does not apply outside of it into the outer space, universe or cosmos.

Horizontal, vertical and diagonal are essential words rich in meaning, used in various and diverse fields of knowledge. In each of these fields, they acquire different connotations without ever losing their essence. Let us look at their use and application in some of these fields of knowledge.

Horizontal - Vertical - Diagonal in geometry

Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal refer to the direction or orientation of a line in space. A line is the visible trail created by a point that moves in space. In itself, it is one-dimensional and can vary in shape, width, length and direction. In shape, it can be straight or curved; in width, it can be thin or thick; in direction, it can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

A horizontal line runs from left to right. It comes from the word horizon, the imaginary line that our eyes trace when we look into the distance at a plain or a plateau. All horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon. Looking at the horizon is relaxing because it is suggestive of a feeling of repose. Unlike the other two lines, it does not suggest movement, neither for nor against the force of gravity.

It is a line perpendicular to the earth or to a horizontal line and it extends upwards towards the sky. It implies an ascending or descending movement, depending on the point where we establish the beginning and the end of the line. In this sense, it communicates a sense of infinity beyond human reach. The vertical line suggests, therefore, spirituality, openness to the divine, self-overreaching, elevation from human condition.

It results from the combination of a horizontal and a vertical line. It is not perpendicular to the earth like the vertical, nor parallel to the horizon like the horizontal. Like the vertical, it can be ascending or descending. The combined vertical and horizontal lines form a 90 degree angle and forge structures that are stable and firm. In contrast, the diagonal line transmits a sense of instability, an unresolved tension in relation to the force of gravity. The angle it forms when meeting a vertical or horizontal line is not as stable as that between a vertical and a horizontal.    

Triangle and more triangles
The union of the vertical line with the horizontal and the diagonal lines forms the simplest geometric figure - the triangle - and, in this case, a right triangle. Two triangles can form a rectangle, a square or a rhombus. A pentagon is formed by 5 triangles, a hexagon by six; a circle is formed by an indeterminate number of triangles from the center, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

Vertical - Horizontal - Diagonal in geography
Since time immemorial, man has always had a need to orient himself in time and space, to know where he is and where he is going. The very verb "to orient" comes from the word east, the place on the horizon where the sun rises or wakens (for this very reason, it can also be designated as Rising or East). At sunrise, the sun rises over the horizon, describing a circular line, an arc in the sky, from east to west, where at sunset, at its setting, it descends below the horizon line and is no longer seen.

As the sun rises over the horizon, depending on the degree of inclination it has in relation to the earth, it describes a horizontal line, when its rays are parallel to the horizon at the time of sunrise. This is followed by many diagonals until at its zenith, the moment when it describes a perpendicular line in relation to our planet, descending into the sunset in again diagonal lines, until it is placed again horizontally and in a position parallel to the earth at the moment it sets.

Today we know that the "movement of the sun" is illusory, that it is not the sun that moves, but the earth. However, for thousands of years, it was this alleged movement that provided the coordinates by which man oriented and placed himself, both in time (the sundials, the twelve hours of the day, the twelve months of the year), and in space (east and west).  

Perhaps it is because of the oscillation of the earth's axis, that our planet has 68% of land in the northern hemisphere and only 32% in the southern, just as it has 68% of land in the east and only 32% in the west. So from a migratory point of view, when Homo sapiens left Africa through the Middle East, some went to the west, to Europe, and others to the east, to Asia and later, to America through the Bering Strait.

Similarly, from civilization point of view, the first culture emerged in the Fertile Crescent, developing later to the west until the time of the Roman Empire, and only afterwards to the north. The second culture emerged in Asia, India and China, and the third in Central America, with the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. From the trade point of view, the first established trade route - the Silk Road - ran from the west to the Far East, India and China.

Near the equator, the stars all rise in the east and set in the west. The stars that are perpendicular to the earth's axis, among them, the Pole Star, oscillate very little at night, and for this reason, they neither rise nor set. The Pole Star, relatively fixed in relation to the earth, was designated as the celestial north and it was in this way that the other orientation coordinate in the terrestrial space came about, the south being its opposite along a vertical line.

Celestial North – The location of the Pole Star or star Polaris, in the constellation of Ursa Minor, is today our North Star. Since the axis of the earth has a movement similar to a spinning top, in the year 7500, the North Star will be Alpha Cephei in the constellation of Cepheus; in the year 11500, the star pointing north will be Delta Cygni in the constellation of Cygnus; in the year 14000, it will be the star Vega in the constellation of Lyra; in the year 23000, it will be the star Thuban in the constellation of Drago; finally, in the year 26000, the star Polaris will again be our North Star.

The Polar or Geographical North - or North Pole is the place on our planet where all the longitudinal lines converge to the north, the South Pole being the place where these same lines converge to the south. North Pole is the center of the northern hemisphere, just as the South Pole is the center of the southern hemisphere. From space above the North Pole, Earth moves counterclockwise; viewed from the equator, it moves from west to east, i.e. from left to right. The earth's rotational movement causes it to be flattened at the poles and bulged out at the equator.

The Magnetic North – For a long time it was thought that the geographic north and the magnetic north were one and the same. In 1831, however, the English explorer James Ross discovered that they actually did not coincide. While the geographic north results from the earth's rotational movement, as we have seen in an earlier article, the magnetic north is a magnetic field formed by liquid iron beneath the earth's surface; the compass needle points to this molten iron mass that is 22 degrees from the geographic North Pole. Since the celestial north changes, so too does the magnetic north, because it consists of molten iron; currently, the magnetic North Pole is moving from northern Canada towards Siberia at a rate of about 55 kilometers per year since 2019.

North - South - East - West
The north-south vertical line with the east-west horizontal line form the cross of the four cardinal points by which we orient ourselves on our planet. The meeting point of the two lines defines the precise place where we are, whether it is at the top of a mountain or at the bottom of the sea.

Every location on our planet is identified by the meeting point of a north-south vertical line and an east-west horizontal line; in other words, by the degrees of latitude of how far north (+) or south (-) from the equator (0 degree), and by the degrees of longitude east (+) or west (-) from the prime meridian (0 degree) in Greenwich, England. The equator is real because it corresponds to the center of the earth; in contrast, the prime meridian is an arbitrary reference line.

To the four cardinal points, in the so-called Wind Rose, there are four other intermediate points (between the cardinal points), also called collaterals, which are formed by two diagonal lines: Northeast-Southwest, Northwest-Southeast.

GPS - Global Positioning System
This system which makes our life so much easier, for us who travel in the city or even in the countryside, was not invented for the purpose to spontaneously guide us from one place to another, but rather to guide missiles and drones to the place where they should activate. Man has always been more inventive to create artifacts of war or for business to accumulate wealth than to create artifacts of peace, for health and harmony among peoples. Like the GPS, the atomic energy was invented to make bombs and not to produce electricity, as it is used today.

The U.S. Department of Defense created and has been maintaining the GPS system since 1978, although it was declared fully operational only in 1995. The GPS first went into action in battlefields during the Gulf War (1990-1991).

The functioning of the GPS follows our refrain of three-dimensionality; it works by a process called trilateration. In other words, in order to work, our GPS device needs to pick up signals from three satellites. With these signals, the GPS receiver calculates its distance from each of the satellites by multiplying the speed of light with the time interval between the local instant and the instant the signal was sent; the place where the device or receiver is on Earth corresponds to the intersection of these three signals.

In order for the receiver’s position to be continuously updated, since we are constantly moving as when traveling in a car, the sending of these signals occurs continuously at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second (that is, the speed of light in a vacuum). Once our location is found, it is easy to calculate the road and the journey time to the destination from a map that works inside the GPS device.

We are spatial-temporal beings, that is, we occupy a specific space at a determined time that is continuously changing. Time and space use practically the same vocabulary. In time, we use hours, minutes, seconds; in space we use degrees, minutes and seconds. Right now is 17 hours, 16 minutes and 13 seconds, and the place where I am presently is at +43º44'34'' (north), -79º35'33'' (west), that is, in the city of Toronto, in the province of Ontario, in Canada.

North versus South
North and South are not only just two geographical coordinates, they are also two places that evoke an unequal economic development. The North is rich and the South is poor, the border between poor countries and rich countries is the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, where so many poor people drown fleeing famine, plague, and war. In North America, it is the border of United States with Mexico, where those crossing to the North can be shot like animals, be detained or end up being deported.

The North exploits the South in a thousand and one ways: it imports raw materials at low cost, and exports manufactured products at a high cost. It exploits labor, paying wages of misery, as was the case of Nike paying a dollar a month to children who worked clandestinely underground. Taking advantage of the lack of personal identification of the peoples of the South, the North mutilates and kills young people and adolescents to harvest their organs that are later transplanted in the North.

The gap between the rich and the poor today has reached abysmal and unthinkable proportions. One percent of the world's population has 54% of the world's wealth, while 99% of the world's population has only 46%. How is it possible that this gap exists in a globalized world, where the law or the principle of the communicating vessels should have been an inevitable reality?

In other words, if there are two tanks of water, one almost full and the other almost empty, when there is communication between the two, by the law of nature they should eventually reach the same level of water. Why doesn't this happen at the commercial and social level when rich and poor countries communicate with each other? It is because the communication is done through valves, that is, the movement is manipulated to go in only one direction. This is what the laws of the market achieve: to make the rich ever richer and the poor ever poorer.

Greenpeace claims that if the world's population were to live as the peoples of the North live, the earth could only support its children for a couple of months before it runs out of resources and end up so contaminated as to become unlivable. Since the rich are unwilling to give up their standard of living, nor are they interested in making the earth habitable, they do everything to keep the poor in their poverty, defending their wealth tooth and nail, and with whatever weapons they have.

Another problem that further aggravates the difference between the rich and the poor is racism: The North is white; the South is black or dark. The people of the North think they are smarter, harder working, more frugal or better saver, but in reality this is just a myth. In another text we have observed that the physiological characteristics of peoples, such as color of skin, eyes, hair, and height, type of hair, shape of the eyes, nose, etc. are due to at least 25,000 years of adaptation to the place in which each group lives.

Necessity sharpens inventiveness, however. In the South where the climate is milder and nature gives everything, man therefore does not need to work hard or save much, for nature is always producing abundant fruits. The North is cold, nature only produces once a year with man’s great effort in agricultural work, so it is necessary to save. In addition, life is more difficult and the challenge makes the intellect work to find solutions to many problems.

West versus East
Between the Far East and the West, we have the Middle East that is often in the news. The conflict between Israel and Palestine seems to have no solution because history has not been looked at or is totally ignored. Statements, such as those made by UNESCO that Israel has no historical affiliation to Jerusalem can only be issued by an ignorant and yet were made by this agency.

The fact is that the one who really has no historical affiliation to Jerusalem is the people of Palestine, the Muslims. The legend that Muhammad traveled from Mecca to Medina and from Medina to Jerusalem, from Jerusalem to Heaven and returned was not recognized even by the prophet's principal wife. It was nothing more than a dream.

All the territories that Israel occupies were part of that country during the reigns that followed David up until the times of the Roman Empire. The State of Palestine never existed outside the Gaza Strip; it was there that the Philistines who came from the island of Crete, present-day Cyprus, immigrated, and settled in the Gaza Strip. This strip of land has always been Palestine.

Taking advantage of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans in the year 70 AD, the Palestinians occupied what had been the State of Israel, but they never constituted a political union, never formed a country. The Middle East was passed from hand to hand, until it fell into the hands of the British during World War II, and from there it passed to the State of Israel, constituted after the war.

In addition to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, the Middle East has been the cradle of Muslim terrorist organizations such as the Al-Qaida or the Islamic State. With the end of the Cold War and the antagonism between communism and capitalism, with the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, a war began between the West of Christian tradition and the East of Islamic tradition, a war with skirmishes in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and with terrorist attacks almost everywhere in the world.

The reason, in my opinion, may be linked to the defeat of the Muslims by the Christians, and the conquest of the world hegemony by the latter. Another reason may be the feeling of inferiority felt by the Muslims in relation to the West, which makes them aggressive; and still another reason may be the fear of losing faith in a religion that has not adapted to modern times or to human nature from the point of view of truth.

The Islam religion was left behind from the psychological, theological, philosophical and social point of view. The Age of Reason did not pass through it, as it happened with Christianity. Because of this, and because they do not make changes, they fear losing the faithful and therefore they become aggressive.

In terms of culture, the differences between the West and the East concern the countries of Europe, America and Australia in the West relative to the East composed of China, India, Japan and Korea. In general, the East is more contemplative, the West more active, the East more religious and spiritual, the West more technological, more materialistic and consumeristic. Reflecting on this, the lines or bands of the western flags are horizontal, land to land; those of the east are vertical. Medicine in the West is chemical, in the East is energetic. The western calendar is solar, the eastern calendar is lunar.

In terms of diet, the western diet is salty, while the oriental is more refined, more seasoned, sweeter and more bittersweet. In the East, food is prepared and properly cut in the kitchen, in the West it comes still coarse and bulky so one needs a fork and a knife to eat it; in the East there are no knives on the table at a meal.

The color of mourning in the West is black, in the East is white; the Orientals wear colorful clothes, of bright colors; in the West, the colors are darker, opaque, without beauty. The West writes from left to right, the East from right to left. The East continues with pictorial writing, the West uses alphabetic writing; eastern languages are spoken with guttural sounds, produced in the throat and nose; western languages are produced in the mouth with the tongue and lips.

Vertical - Horizontal - Diagonal in communication
The direction of the straight line, whether vertical, top-down or bottom-up, or horizontal, left-to-right, right-to-left, or diagonal line, i.e. crosswise from top to bottom or from bottom to top, is important to define the various types of communication that exist within organizations, associations, institutions or companies.

Vertical communication
Vertical communication is typical in pyramid structured organizations, such as the army and the Catholic Church. This type of communication assumes that some are at the top, in the upper echelons of command and others are in the lower echelons and hence must obey those at the top.

From private, corporal, sergeant, warrant officer, ensign, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general, to marshal, communication is never carried out horizontally from equal to equal, it is always vertical. Even when a group of captains meet, that is, people of the same rank, the communication between them is not horizontal, it remains vertical: with the captain who is the oldest having the most power. That is why it is said that "in the troop, age is a rank, because it is understood that older people have more experience, that is still, according to the saying, the mother of science. Corroborating this, another proverb says, “The devil knows more because he is old than because he is the devil".

In the Catholic Church, the same kind of communication happens as in the armed forces. Power comes from top down: Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, priest, deacon, and layperson. The Second Vatican Council was intended to democratize the Church more, which ultimately did not happen because Pope John Paul II took charge of archiving it and neutralizing it throughout his pontificate which was too long. Today, when we are already in need of a Third Vatican Council, we have yet to apply the Second.

Descending – from top to bottom
It is the communication that flows from a higher authority to the subordinates. However democratic an organization may be, there must be leaders, responsible people put in charge, and when this happens, vertical communication reflects the difference in positions and responsibilities among people. No organization could survive without vertical communication, because it would be a true anarchy. This communication comes in various oral and written forms, instructions, orders, letters, memos, speeches.

Ascending - from bottom to top
It is the opposite of the previous one, where communication flows in the opposite direction, from bottom up. It is used by employees or subordinates who express obedience to what has been asked of them; the more democratic an organization is, the more the suggestions, ideas and hunches of the subordinates are considered by the superiors. This communication takes the form of reports of what has or has not been done, the difficulties and problems encountered, proposals and suggestions. Advices from experts in different matters of government

Horizontal communication
It refers to the type of communication that takes place among people of same status and level, among peers. It is important for team work and when multiple branches, departments or sections of an institution depend on the same manager, and are interdependent of each other.

At the level of companies and organizations, we could say that vertical communication, from the top down, initiates the work, and from the bottom up, shows whether or not the work is done. In contrast, horizontal communication is what exists when a job, mission, or task is being performed. In other words, it is the communication that exists between the members of one team and other lateral and interdependent teams.

This type of communication takes the form of meetings, phone calls, teleconferences, discussions, consultations, between the members of one section of the company, as well as between the managers of interdependent sections, in the execution of a common project.

Diagonal, transverse or oblique communication
The first two channels of communication are formal, institutional; diagonal communication, on the other hand, is informal, non-institutional, and occurs on the sidelines of the other two and we could almost describe it as "illegal", "clandestine". They are the hallway conversations, while having a coffee or smoking a cigarette: people meet informally and as "the mouth speaks from the abundance of what’s going on in the heart", among friends they talk about the matter that at the moment occupies the mind and heart of everyone.

This conversation flow is not between colleagues, so it is not horizontal, nor is it between bosses and workers, so it is not vertical either. Like the diagonal, it is neither a vertical nor a horizontal conversation, but a synthesis of the two: the engine of this communication is friendship; therefore, it flows between colleagues, or between bosses and workers, if and only if they are friends.

This type of communication often takes the form of a rumor, a secret that is shared by many, "So and so said..." "I've heard said ..." and it has a devastating power within a company, although it can also be used positively.

It often happens that the "ad hoc" meetings that take place in the corridors, WhatsApp messages or in the parking lots after the formal meetings are more important than those taking place in the meeting room; and, often dishonestly, it is outside the formal meetings, and in their absence, that important decisions are made informally that have little or nothing to do with what was discussed at the formal meeting.

People are not cogwheels, where functional relationships remain strictly functional. The relationship between people within the same function or between different functions creates personal friction and also sympathy, friendship and enmity. Diagonal communication uses these channels. It is impossible to prevent diagonal or informal communication from taking place inside organizations and there are ways to take advantage of it positively.

Through this kind of communication, we know what people really think but do not dare to say during a meeting; we know the emotional state and the existence of personal and family problems, which are important for good or poor performance at work; as this type of communication is the most reliable in terms of feedback, managers can take advantage of the ideas circulating in these environments to make more democratic decisions.

Jesus used this kind of communication with his disciples when he asked them, "Who do men say that I am?" People did not dare to tell Jesus directly what they thought of him, but they told his disciples.

The one-dimensionality or horizontality of politics
Since the last century, left, centre and right have been the coordinates used to define the ideological nature and identity of each political party in relation to itself and its counterparts. Before we talk about political spectrum, we want to refer to other coordinates by which we understand physical space in general and which refer to vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines.

The political arena understood as left, center and right, is one-dimensional because it only happens along the horizontal line. If we were to talk about a monarchy or dictatorship, we would have to use the vertical line. However, since we are speaking of democracy, the horizontal line is enough for us, because in this political system, the sovereign is the people and the leaders who represent it are temporary delegates of this power that always resides and remains with the people. Within the horizontal line, the left is the place where it begins, the right the place where it ends, and the center the place equidistant between the beginning and the end of the line.

Last century political space
Whoever is not with me is against me…  Matthew 12:30

For much of the last century, the world was polarized: countries belonged to one bloc or another. It is true that certain countries, such as Yugoslavia, were said not to be aligned, but fundamentally they followed the ideological directives of the Soviet Union, just as in the West, Switzerland, for example, has always declared itself to be a neutral country, but it is also ideologically aligned with the West.

To the one bloc belonged the countries with communist or socialist orientation, with the Soviet Union at its head, and to the other bloc the countries with capitalist orientation, with the United States at its head. Europe, divided by the Berlin Wall (communist to the east and capitalist to the west) was a symbol and sign of a division that not only happened in the old continent, but all over the planet.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union only occurred at the end of the 20th century in 1991, we lived through the last century in a climate of cold war, in which each bloc sought to grow, extending its sphere of influence. This Cold War heated up from time to time in indirect clashes between the two blocs on extraterritorial battlefields. This explains the wars in Vietnam, Korea and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. With the same intention of extending the spaces of influence, in addition to these skirmishes, we had revolutions and coups in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

With the fall of Soviet communism, the world ceased to be ideologically divided into two blocs (capitalist and communist). During the first decade of this 21st century, we experienced radical Islamic-oriented terrorism against Christian-oriented countries. For some time it seemed that the ideological bilateralism communism/capitalism was going to be replaced by a religious bilateralism between the Christian world and the Islamic world. This was the objective of organizations like Al-Qaeda or the Islamic State.

We do not know what the second decade of this century that has just started will hold. With the rise of "populism", both in traditionally communist countries like Poland and Romania, as well as in traditionally capitalist countries like the United States and England, it seems that the political coordinates of left, center and right no longer make sense since populist parties do not place themselves in any of these traditional political spaces: they claim to be with the people, against the political system in force. However, since as of now there is no other criterion by which political parties identify themselves and others, then left, center and right remain to be part of the political geography.

Left - Center - Right
The entire political arena is in a straight line that goes from the left to the right passing through the center. There are nuances on the left, the so-called far-left, and nuances on the right, the so-called far-right. And, since on our planet a continuous straight line turns into a curved line, there are those who say that in politics the extremes touch each other.

The words left and right applied to politics were born out of the French Revolution and are linked to the arrangement of seats for the parliamentarians in the Assembly of the Republic of France. Those who sat to the left of the President of the Assembly were supporters of the revolution, those who opposed the monarchy, defenders of democracy, the people’s government. The left side, in all countries, has always been associated with the struggles of workers organized in unions that sought greater social justice, less profits for employers, and fairer wages.

In contrast, those who sat to the right of the president supported the old monarchist regime. They wanted at all costs to maintain the social structure and status quo of old, so not to lose their privileges. Often or almost always, they relied on religion and its convincing power to gain popular vote; they were conservative in their ways of thinking about all social issues, and tended to live in the past and reject change.

Overcoming the dichotomy between medieval monarchy and democracy or republic, Karl Marx's economic and political philosophy came to give the words left and right the connotation they have today. The right is conservative, capitalist, and accentuates the value of economic freedom; the left is socialist, communist, and accentuates the value of economic equality. The star and insignia of the most liberal capitalism is the United States; the insignia of communism used to be the Soviet Union (present-day Russia), but today it is China, where the so-called state capitalism reigns.

The rest of the countries in the world alternate in their government between right-wing and left-wing parties. In general, Europe and the rest of the world fall somewhere in between China and the United States, with characteristics of both. The most successful and fair historical socialisms are those found in the Scandinavian countries.

The exact center is difficult to define in politics, so there is a centre-right and a centre-left, depending on whether the party in question leans more to the right or to the left, or makes a synthesis when using right-wing policies on one subject and left-wing policies on another. Politics in the British tradition is bipolar, the center does not exist. In the United States, the right are the Republicans, the left the Democrats. In the United Kingdom, the right are the Tories, the left the Labour. In Canada, the right are the Conservatives, the left Liberals, and in Australia, the right are the Liberals and left the Labour.

The Left
It argues that the state must regulate the economy to prevent that a few become very rich and the rest very poor. The state must ensure that everyone has access to essential goods, health, education and opportunities. To make this possible, it imposes taxes on the entire population: those who have more, pay more, and those who have less, pay less, even receiving if they are in a state of extreme poverty.

Karl Marx's principle "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" is the inspiring principle from which all socialist and communist social policies are based. Financed by the taxes that everyone pays, in proportion to their income, the socialist state must guarantee all citizens equal education, health and social security, that is, pension at retirement.

The Right
The ideology of the right, on the other hand, is based on an ill-fated and pseudo mystical theorist named Adam Smith who said that when each person selfishly seeks their own interests, an invisible hand will seek the common interests. The invisible hand is so invisible that it doesn't even exist, it's a myth that has never been verified in reality.

We are by nature unequal and do not go to the market with the same amount of money in the pocket to spend. Even if we were the same in that aspect, we are different in personality and intelligence. A complete absence of regulation, as the capitalist world advocates, only serves to accentuate social and economic disparity.

It is none other than the law of the fittest, the law of the jungle applied to the economy. It was precisely this theory that led the world to the current global situation of humanity, where 1% has more wealth than the rest of the 99%. How long can we go on like this?

According to Smith, the state should not regulate the market or the economy because they regulate themselves.

The right advocates greater individual responsibility, autonomy and private initiative of people and businesses, with less taxes and regulation. The state is not responsible for anything, it does not care about the welfare of its citizens, as they themselves must look after and provide for their own healthcare, education and pension when they can no longer work. In such a state, the wealthy are safe in their money, those who live from "paycheck to paycheck" never raise their heads and live insecure in poverty.

Autocracy - democracy - anarchy
Democracy, like its political counterpart the republic, has its flaws, but it is preferable to monarchy or any form of autocracy or political dictatorship. Dura lex sed lex, the law is harsh, but it's the law, the arbitrariness of a tyrant would be far worse. In both autocracy and anarchy, the law of the strongest governs. In a rule of law, no one is above the law; therefore, as a Jesuit norm says, "keep the rule so the rule will keep you."

Vertical - Horizontal - Diagonal in religion
The three directions of a straight line – vertical, horizontal and diagonal – also have their expression or equivalence in the field of the Christian religion, both in the way we relate to God and to others, and in the way God relates to us.

In our relationship with God and others
The vertical line expresses loving God above all things, with all our mind and heart. In the Christian hierarchy of affections, God comes first: it is loving God above all things and all people that guarantees us our freedom from things and people. As long as God is first in our lives, we will be free. Without freedom there is no human life in the individual sense, no human person, and no human dignity.  

The horizontal line manifests love due to one’s neighbour; the one who we must always consider equal to us, on an equal footing with him. Love has no social class because it is either born between equals or it makes people equal. If we are equal before God, then we are equal to each other, there are no statutes nor hierarchies. The other, as the word itself indicates, is an "alter-ego", that is, another ‘I’, so all that is due to me is due to the other. Love of neighbour is the guarantee of equality, the value of human life as social beings.

The junction of the vertical and the horizontal lines forms a cross which is the symbol of Christianity because the son of God died on a cross. And since the two loves are united in one, we cannot love God without loving our neighbor and vice versa. The two commandments presuppose each other. The diagonal line, as it is a synthesis of the vertical and the horizontal, can indicate that in loving our neighbour is already loving God and vice versa: if our love of God is genuine, it certainly takes into account our neighbour.

In God's relationship with us
The three divine persons communicate with us differently because each has a different relationship with us: 

God the Father, who created everything and who also created us, communicates with us vertically;

God the Son, Emmanuel, is God with us, who has dwelt among us, is our older brother who said to his disciples "I no longer call you servants, but friends", communicates with us horizontally;

God the Holy Spirit is neither horizontal nor vertical, but transversal to every creature, for we are all temple of the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit blows wherever he wants, so he guides and inspires the Pope as well as the last of the faithful: he is transversal to all, from the top of the hierarchy to the last believer.

Vertically, God loves me like a Father and I love Him like a son or daughter; horizontally, Christ the son of God loves us like brothers and sisters, and we love Him like an older brother; diagonally, the Holy Spirit is transversal to everyone, for he infuses everyone, from the greatest to the smallest, making us into a people.  

Fr. Jorge Amaro, IMC


January 1, 2021

3 Coordinates of Time: Past - Present - Future

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Spatial-temporal beings
We are spatial-temporal beings, that is, we occupy a determined space for a specific time. Our body is an aggregation and combination of different elements of organic and inorganic matter, which coalesce for a time and then disintegrate, each of these elements returning to its simpler and dissociated state until it becomes again part of another life form.

Water, for example, despite being inorganic, is the most abundant molecule in our body – making up to 60% of an adult's body and 80% in a child's. The same water molecule that is now part of our organism was probably once upon the time at the bottom of the ocean and came down to earth as rain, and then was ingested by some animal. The water that was part of the body of some extinct dinosaurs can very well be part of our body today.

It is our genetic code that allows for the agglutination and interaction of the various inorganic and organic elements. Once formed at the conception of a life form, the genetic code exists until its end and supervises all its vital functions. Like the blueprint that an architect draws for the construction of a building, so is the DNA the blueprint for the building of a body: it contains all the necessary information for its survival and growth.  

DNA is created at the moment when the two half cells - our mother's egg and our father's spermatozoon - join, forming the first cell of our organism from which all other cells are derived, and it is only destroyed long after our body has decomposed.

We are made from the elements that exist in the outer space created after the Big Bang; we are basically star dust that inhabit an environment for a determined time. As spatial beings, we are made up of elements that exist in space and, at the same time, we occupy the space that these same elements provide for us. The space we occupy is perfectly located within our planet, in our solar system, in our galaxy, together with the countless of galaxies that make up our universe.

As for the other coordinate, that of time, which defines our life or our existence as spatial-temporal beings, we have to make a distinction as to what type of time we are referring to. If space is defined by the coordinates of height - width - length, which is three-dimensional, then time is also three-dimensional, that is, there are three types of time: cosmic - geological - historical. Historical time which is the object of our study, is also three-dimensional, because it is made up of past - present - future.

Cosmic - geological - historical
Some would say that there is a fourth type of time, the thermodynamic time, which is a relative time that varies depending on the velocity at which the observer and the observed move relative to one another. Time is inversely proportional to velocity, that is, the greater the velocity at which an object moves, the lesser is the time that elapses for it. That's why Einstein did not speak about time and space as separate entities, but as a single entity. In this chapter, we will talk about the most understandable dimension of time, that is, the measurable time, in years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Cosmic time
The NASA scientist Carl Sagan (1934-1996) became famous in the eighties for his TV programs about the cosmos. An excellent communicator, he managed to explain difficult concepts of astronomy in a way that could be grasped by an audience with little knowledge in this field. In order to facilitate the understanding of cosmic time, he created a cosmic calendar, placing the most important events of the universe from its creation to our present day, over the course of a year beginning with January 1 and ending on December 31.  

Eleven months of the year:
January 1 - Beginning of the Big Bang
January 7 - Birth of the first stars
March 1 - Emergence of the Milky Way and other galaxies
September 9 - Origin and formation of the solar system
September 14 - Origin of the Earth
September 25 - Emergence of the first forms of terrestrial life
October 2 - formation of the oldest rocks ever recorded
November 30 - beginning of sexual reproduction

Days in the month of December:
01 - Constitution of the current atmosphere
16 - Formation of the first helminths (worms)
17 – Biological Big Bang: formation of large numbers of living beings during the Cambrian Period
18 - Formation of the first vertebrate living beings
25 - Origin and reign of dinosaurs
26 - Origin of the first mammals
28 - Formation of the first birds
30 - Extinction of dinosaurs

Hours on December 31:
22:30 - The first humans
23:46 - Discovery of fire
23:56 - End of the last Ice period
23:59 - Cave paintings in Europe
23:59:20 - Discovery of agriculture
23:59:35 - Early Neolithic
23:59:50 - Emergence of the first great civilizations
23:59:58 – Formation of Crusades in Early Middle Ages
23:59:59 - Beginning of commercial capitalism and European colonial expansion.

Geological time
Our planet is old if we look at its age of 4.6 billion years. But if we compare its age with that of the Universe - 13 billion years – then it is relatively young. The geological time scale, like that of cosmic time, is measured in millions and billions of years. As Geo means Earth in Greek, geological time refers to the history of our planet and its transformations, up to the emergence and development of life and from there until the appearance of human life.

Historical time
It begins with prehistory. It is said that if the geological time were to be reduced to one day, then the first human civilizations would have emerged during the last three seconds of that day. This makes us understand that Earth had a very long history of preparation before life was possible and, after that, until it developed and evolved, reaching human life.

The unidimensional or horizontal characteristic of time
A flat plane made up of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines is two-dimensional. When referring to a three-dimensional plane or space, we speak of length, height and width. When we talk about time, however, it has only one dimension. The historical time, whether of an individual person or an association, tribe, country, is represented graphically by a straight line drawn from the left to the right.

To be born – to grow – to reproduce – to die, this is the inescapable sequence, the path without alternative of all living beings, whether it is a very simple bacterium or a more complex being, like a human. Life is a straight line that began at some point in the past, which we are aware of in the present, that is, that we are alive in the here and now, and we know that it will prolong for some time in the future until it ends in its spatial-temporal dimension.

A merchant from Baghdad sent his servant to the market one day. Shortly thereafter, the man returned agitated and trembling with fear. "I love being in the market square,” he told the merchant, “but today, it was there that I came across a stranger, and when I looked at his face, I discovered that it was Death himself. He made a threatening gesture at me and then disappeared. Now I am scared, I beg you, please lend me a horse so that I can flee to Samarra and get as far away from Death as possible."

The merchant, worried about his servant, gave him his fastest horse; the servant mounted the horse and went off in the blink of an eye. Hours later, the merchant himself went to the market and saw Death among the crowd. He approached him and asked, "What did you mean by the threatening gesture you made at my poor servant this morning?"

"It was not a threatening gesture, sir,” said Death. "It was a gesture of surprise to find him in Baghdad." "And why shouldn't he be in Baghdad, if this is where he lives?" "Well... it is just that I was supposed to meet him tonight in Samarra, you know?"

Past - Present - Future
Time ends the year, the month and the hour,
The strength, the art, the morning, the fortress;
Time ends fame and wealth,
Time the same time of itself cries.
Luis de Camões

Einstein formulated the Theory of Relativity to explain the universe. The people vulgarized it, applying it to all circumstances of human life and knowledge by concluding that "everything is relative". Speaking of the past, the present and the future, in the context of human life, none of them exist in a pure state.

Both the past and the future are already found represented in the present, so the present does not always refer exclusively to the present, it can also refer to both the past and the future as well. Just as the past and the future sometimes pay a visit to the present, the present can also move into the past and the future. The present in itself is what is happening, but when we think about what is happening, it is already the past.

The past is gone, but never stops going; the future arrives, but never stops arriving, it keeps moving forward like the carrot tangling in front of the donkey. As long as we exist, the three-time coordinates exist with us and we only stop having a present and a past when we no longer have a future, that is, when we die. As the three live together, the three also die together, with a few seconds apart. We die from front to back: first the future dies, then the present and only then the past.
We’re a flying arrow that someone shot in the past. Depending on the circumstances of life, we ourselves can have some control over the direction the arrow takes, but we know that "All roads lead to Rome", that fate is common, that death is both certain and uncertain. It is certain because it's the only thing we know for sure about our future, and as Heidegger says, we are being-for-death. It is also uncertain, on the other hand, because we don't know where, when or how we're going to die, and I guestimate that no one is interested in knowing that.

If there is eternal life, as we Christians believe, then the future and the past also die, because they are no longer interactive in the present. Life made of moving time is no longer a reality. What we were previously, we are still, and what we are today is a composition of both the good and the bad we lived through up to now. The past is like the scaffolding in the construction of a building. When the construction is over, with our death, the scaffolding is no longer needed: what we have become is now what we will be forever in eternity.

Our physical body also belongs to this category of scaffolding, because through it and with it we build our being, our spiritual body, and when this is built, time ceases in its future and past dimensions, and remains in its present dimension, an eternal present in God and with God.

As with the North Pole and the South Pole, the East and the West also merge at one point; similarly, in our life, the past and the future will merge in an eternal present. As we have said in another article, our planet moves from left to right; in order not to get lost, we look to the North, where the compass needle points; with the North as the point of reference, the West is to our left and the East to our right.

If human time moves from the past, which is graphically located on our left and corresponds with west, to the future which lies on our right and corresponds with east, then we do not move towards the sunset, or west, of our lives, but towards the east, to the beginning or the rising to eternal life.

We are from the planet Earth that rotates, left to right, that is, counterclockwise and, just as our mother Earth moves, so too we move against the hands of the clock, as if to say that we are eternal beings because we walk against time, because we impose ourselves on time and not vice versa.

On the time level, with the past corresponding to west and the future to east, our life is not moving towards an end, but towards a beginning that is eternity. Our death is the birth to eternity just as our first birth was a death to the life we had in the paradise of the maternal womb. From the maternal womb, we move to the bosom of this world, and from the bosom of this world, we will move into the bosom of the One who created us - God.

The past
Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.’ Many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek. Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, ‘Do not write, “The King of the Jews”, but, “This man said, I am King of the Jews.”’ Pilate answered, ‘What I have written I have written.John 19:19-22

Pilate reminded the high priests of the Jews that the past is past and cannot be altered. The historical facts cannot be modified in the present. "Against facts there are no arguments" is an expression used in Law to say that there is no way to deny whatever happened and is apparent to everyone.

“A lo hecho pecho” - says a Spanish proverb, meaning, you beget a child, now nurse him; a fact is that which is the most objective in the life of the human being. A woman nursing her newborn said, "I may not have wanted this baby, he may have come unplanned, but once made I nurse him, he's a helpless child and is without fault in being called to life, whatever may have been the circumstances."

Faced with facts, there is sometimes an attitude of denial, whereby the person tries not to accept them, pretending that they did not happen. There are people who say "This can’t be happening to me!" But if it did, what happened can't be undone. What is done, is done, what is written, is written, as Pilate said. This was his way of reconciling himself with what history would say about him, one last attempt not to look so bad in the captured historical fact.

The past as "present"
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Unknown author

The past can show itself in our present like a stalker. When the past haunts us, we live like fugitives in the present and feel remorse for whatever we've done. "The Fugitive" was a very popular series in the sixties about a doctor who had been wrongfully convicted for the murder of his wife and to escape the death penalty, he fled the law, and was on the run until he found enough evidence to prove his innocence and expose the identity of the real murderer. His present was composed of his time on the run, he could not have a normal life, could not practice his profession as a doctor. This is how the person who is pursued by the guilt of the past lives: he cannot live the present with meaning.

I have heard women in their 80s still obsessively confessing to the abortion they committed when they were 15. It is certain that God has long forgiven them, have forgotten their sin of abortion, and has turned the page, but these women cannot forgive themselves and therefore continue to confess this sin over and over again.

We cannot extricate ourselves from our past, since it contains our identity, who we are. A person without historical memory no longer knows who he is, as it happens in old age with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, since we cannot get rid of our past, we need to be reconciled with it. "If you cannot defeat and wipe out your enemy, befriend him"; we must do the same with our past. In order to be 100% functional in the present, we must be able to cast a benign glance at our past.

It is said that we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. This idea is implied in the word for sin in Hebrew, "hhatat", which means to miss the target. Perfection is made up of many imperfections, and what is right is made up of many lessons from the many wrongs. Mistake is part of the training in any art or skill, and the same thing happens in life.

Mistake, sin, what we have done wrong, or the event itself, is the box that contains a precious gift inside. When we receive a gift, we tear apart the beautiful and flashy wrapping paper, as well as the box, to get to the gift inside, then we throw the paper with the box into the trash. We must do the same with our past negative deeds. The box is the act itself, the lesson we learned from it is the gift. Only the gift should be brought forth to our present, to our consciousness; the act itself, the box, must be forgotten, it must stay in the past.

I stumbled again and with the same stone, in a matter of love I will never learn… as Júlio Iglesias sings in one of his songs. Certain lessons take longer to learn; hence we can fall into the same mistake more than once. And there may be even issues we may never learn about, as the singer says.

The felix culpa quae talem et tantum meruit habere redemptorem – This is the phrase of the Paschal proclamation at the Easter Vigil Mass. Oh happy fault that merited such and so great a Redeemer! The past cannot be modified, but it can be reinterpreted in the light of the present. This is the idea behind the “Felix Culpa”. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, the Son of God made Man would not have come to us.

There is no evil from which good does not come
On a remote island, the only survivor of a shipwreck prayed fervently to God at every moment to help him get out of there. And every day he scanned the horizon in search of help, but it never came. Tired of waiting, he began to build a small hut to protect himself and the few things he had salvaged from the wreck, preparing himself for a longer wait.  

One day, on his way back from looking for food, he found his little hut in flames after it was struck by lightning. The flames and smoke rose so high that he couldn't put out the fire and he lost everything. Confused and overwhelmed, and angry with God, he fell asleep on the beach, and when he woke up early the next morning, he heard the siren of a ship and a small speedboat coming to rescue him. Asking how they had found him, the captain replied, "We saw the smoke signals you sent out."

This is just one of the many stories of this nature that I could quote here that shows just how characteristic this Portuguese proverb is. Good and evil are found mixed together in our lives: there are good that cause evil and evil that cause good. Furthermore, as the parable of weeds among the wheat states (Matthew 13:24-30), it is not always clear at the onset what is good and what is evil, only at the end will it be known.

In the ups and downs of our lives we must not lose our hope or our heads, because "There is no evil that always lasts nor good that always endures". Every negative or positive fact must be judged in a larger context of our lives and not only in the context in which it occurs.

From the point of view of our faith, a Christian must never use words like good luck or bad luck because these are superstitious. For the Christian there is only the divine providence: nothing happens outside of it. God the Father who brought us into life always takes care of us, even when it does not seem so. When evil happens in our lives, we believe that it is for some greater good, that is, that it is a cross that leads to a resurrection or a desert crossing that leads to a promised land.

Past as present perfect
A verb in the present perfect indicative expresses an action that began in the past and extends into the present, that is, it is not yet over. It unites the past with the present and the present with the past. For example, "I've been studying a lot for exams" means I started studying some time ago and I'm still studying.

Our life essentially takes place in this verb tense. Firstly, because we continue to live, but our life began in the past. Secondly, because we face the present or the future with our baggage from the past; it is this that contains our historical memory, our identity. Finally, because many of the issues that occupy us in the present have their origin in the past. Psychologically, our past always influences our present in a conscious or unconscious way.

The present

"We never live; we are always in the expectation of living." - Voltaire (1694-1778)
"Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment."  - Buddha

The present is the time of action, the real time in which we can make things happen, the only time over which we have power. We are thoughts, feelings and actions. Thoughts can be of the past, even when the act of thinking always occurs in the present; or it may be of the future, when it projects itself into a reality that does not yet exist, that is, utopian in the Greek sense of the word, that there is no place in the here and now. Feelings or emotions are what is most present in us; both pleasure and pain, as well as all other feelings, anchor us in the here and now.  
However, there is nothing more transitory, more in motion, more instantaneous and faster than the present moment. As the picture above illustrates, it is just a point where the past and the future meet. It is the moment in which the future turns into the past in passing through the present. The Earth moves from left to right, we run from the left, which is the past, to the right, which is the future. What comes to my mind is the image of a hamster running inside a moving wheel – that’s how we are on our planet.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a Mother who gave birth to a premature baby
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask the person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask the person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

                                                    Marc Levy       

As the quote from the French novelist Marc Levy shows us, the way we human live our present moment is not so much like a point corresponding to a second that hastily passes from the future to the past. We cling to the concept of the contemporary so to extend the present moment, both to the right (future) and to the left (past) and we say things like "within two hours", “two hours ago", "today", "this week", "this month", "during this year", etc.

And so, we feel a certain comfort, as if we can stop the moving hand of time. It is only when we change the months and the years, or when we celebrate our birthdays, that we realize that time is passing inexorably by and that every moment is unique and does not repeat itself. Every minute lost is truly lost, the minutes that we have ahead of us are others and do not replace the ones lost. We cannot bathe twice in the same river, as the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus said.

The illusion and fallacy of competitiveness and competence
"I have no children and I shudder just at the thought. The examples I see around me do not advise temerity. Hordes of friends form the respective offspring and, despite their blessings, they do not lead restful lives. On the contrary, they are invariably plunged into anguish and anxiety particularly of pathological nature.

I can see why. One or two hundred years ago, life depended on the birthright, social standing and family fortune. Today, no. The child is born, not into a family, but into an athletics track, with the barriers of practice: kindergarten at three, swimming at four, piano lessons at five, school at six. And an army of teachers, tutors, educators and psychologists, as if the child were a race foal. (colt is male, filly a female and foal either male or female)

This is the criminal ideology that has definitely settled in modern societies: life is not to be lived - but is built by personal and professional successes, one after another, in a geometric progression to infinity. One needs the dream job, the dream house, the dream spouse, the dream friends, the dream vacation, the dream restaurants, the dream lovemaking.

No wonder that, by 2020, a third of the world's population is nursing fervently on Prozac. It's the old story of the carrot and donkey: the more we have, the more we want. The more we want, the more we despair. Meritocracy begets an insatiable dissatisfaction that will eventually destroy the slightest trace of humanity. Which is still a pity! If people went back to reading the classics, especially Montaigne, they would know that the ultimate goal of life is not excellence, but happiness!"

 João Pereira Coutinho (journalist) 2011

Parents project on their children everything they wish they had been, using them almost like puppets. We no longer let children live with a loose rein in their childhood, like I did in mine. Childhood, adolescence and youth are times of rigorous preparation. Children and especially youth suffer from this dictatorship; that’s why come weekend, they desire to be released in every way and form, through orgies and drunken revelries, with drugs, alcohol and sex as a break from the straitjacket to which they are bound in order to be able, in the opinion of adults, to triumph in life, in an increasingly competitive world. The pressure which they are subjected to is cruel in every way: economically, socially, affectively.

Higher education, employment, engagement, buying a house, a car etc., everything has to be achieved in a short time, in a hellish race. Those who are without one of these "amenities" cannot consider themselves happy and can be the object of derision on the part of the so-called victors.

3 X 8 = 24
Our 24-hour day is divided into three groups of eight hours each. Eight plus eight is sixteen, plus eight is 24. Eight hours of rest, plus eight hours of work, plus eight hours of what? Fun? For many, it is indeed this: working to eat and have fun, bread and circus as the ancient Romans used to say.

The eight hours of work and the eight hours of rest are at the service of each other; we rest to be able to work, and we work to be able to support ourselves. Work and rest are not life, they serve to keep us alive. Life is what we do with the third group of eight. Each day, sixteen hours keep us alive and eight hours when we truly live. During a lifetime of 75 years, we spend 25 years working, another 25 years sleeping, and we only truly live for 25 years: it is these years that justify whether or not we have lived; they are the reason for our being alive.

Do not work for the food that perishes... John 6: 27 - Unlike the lives of other living beings, our life cannot be reduced to the vicious circle of working to eat and eating to work. Being alive and living are not the same thing; we do not live to stay alive, but we are alive to live. Against this backdrop, how sad and meaningless are the lives of those who spend their time and energies in a hustle bustle, wasting their lives to preserve life, to stay alive, as if in this way they could prolong it forever.  "You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” Luke 12:20

Do only what you like in life – in addition to the eight hours we can dedicate to our vocation, we must also conquer the eight hours of work, so that we will not only live eight hours, but 16. The ideal is really this: that our job is our hobby and our hobby is our job, that is, that we enjoy what we do and for which we have prepared ourselves professionally.

I always remember what my father used to say before going to work at a textile factory, especially for the night shift, "There I go to the exile." But the hours he spent in the countryside working on the land seemed short to him because he liked what he did, and so he used to come home well into the night. The hours at the factory, however, were not spent with the same pleasure, although he was a good worker and tried to weave more pieces than others.

When we don't like our job, when we don't like what we do, we are really slaves and not free. After having done everything well and being pleased with what He did, God gave the creation to Man as incomplete. That is why He gave Man the power to create, not out of nothing as God did, but from the simple elements He created. Our work should therefore be a creation, it should be an art more than a craft. However, when from the start we do not like our work and somehow, we don’t have another alternative, it is up to us to make it enjoyable and then to do it with joy.

We all have an inborn like for sugary drinks; however, as we grow up, we develop a taste for beer and wine, and set aside our inborn appetite for sugary drinks. The same can be true of our work: we can develop a taste for it and be creative in such a way that we live not only eight, but sixteen hours every day.

The fundamental option as a commitment - The fundamental option is a decision that is made about the whole of our life, it is the objective, the goal, what gives meaning, color and flavor to all the days of our life. It is the flame that is maintained by the fuel, energy and time of our life. It is the point of support of the lever that lifts the world in the Archimedes’ principle. It is the motivation, the inspiration that brings together all our resources and puts them at the service of a goal, a target chosen by us.

Life is made up of many options and decisions; they are the ones that give color, flavor, aroma and meaning to our life. These small choices often refer to one or more aspects of our life; they can affect us a lot or a little, but they do not affect our entire life. The fundamental option, on the other hand, is the decision of all decisions, the master option, the mother of all options because it refers to all present and future life of an individual. Most of the time it is irreversible, it is the reason of our living, it is the cause that we will feed with our time and energy, it is the mouth of which we are the bread.

The cause, or the fundamental option, that Nelson Mandela fed with his life was the end of apartheid in South Africa; for Beethoven, it was music; for Picasso, painting; for Gandhi, India’s independence in a nonviolent way; for some parents, it is their children; for teachers, it is students; for doctors, it is the sick.... More than just a profession, life is a mission.

There is no life without commitment - They live as if they will never die and die as if they had never lived. Dalai Lama

When the time comes to choose our fundamental option, we are at the crossroad of our lives; or, as it is more common to think today, at least in Europe, we are at the roundabout of our lives. We can't stay there forever, not even longer than it's appropriate. Often, when we stay undecided for too long, life ultimately decides for us, or at least the government does, as is the case in some countries of the de facto unions between young people: after a while the state considers them married. In Lisbon, there is a roundabout called "Rotunda do Relógio" or the roundabout clock - while we remain undecided, time passes and some opportunities in life do not come a second time....

The future
"The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable."  - Lucius Séneca

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? (…) And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?Matthew 6:25, 27

The only thing we know about the future is that death is certain, secure, and going to happen, but death is also uncertain as to the day and time it will happen. Nor should this worry us because, as Karl Marx said, as long as we are, death is not and when it is, we are not. The spirituality that serves a Christian the best is that of a nomad; for this reason, from the beginning, Yahweh does not hide his predilection for Abel who was a shepherd and his dislike for Cain who was a farmer. A shepherd is a nomad who follows his cattle, while a farmer is sedentary and tends to settle down in life.

We are pilgrims in search of a destination that is in the future. To stop searching is to die and as we do not have a permanent dwelling here, we must love God above all else and walk towards Him uprooted from things and people, because we will lose things and people, but Him we will never lose and therefore, we must cling only to Him.

To be versus to do
The Jews thought that because they were children of Abraham that they were already saved. The truth, according to the Gospel of Matthew 25, is that we will not be judged by who we are, but by what we do. As for being, John the Baptist said that God could raise up children for Abraham out of these stone (Matthew 3:9). Similarly, according to Matthew 25, any good work, no matter how small, has worth in God’s eyes and is always trinitarian, because it is good for us and for others, and it glorifies God, who is the Father of all.

Many seek status, advantages, titles, prestige, or those high places that the Gospel denounces so often. True prestige comes from within, not from the outside; true prestige does not come from the position we hold, that is, from outside of us, but from the way we perform this position, that is, from within us. For God, it is not important what we are, but the way we are what we are.

You will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16 - True prestige comes not from the office you hold, but from the way you hold the office that you hold. A holy street sweeper has more worth in the eyes of God and men than a corrupt prime minister.

Simeon and Anna
Simeon is attentively waiting for the coming of God's glory to the temple. This old man doesn't dwell in the past, but in the future.

By the time we reach 50, more than half of our life is in the past; when we reach 80 years old, almost all of our life belongs to the past, there is not much to hope for. Simeon and Anna were old, but still living for the future, they were full of hope. They looked forward and not backward; in looking back, Lot's wife was paralyzed, transformed into a salt statue.

Simeon and Anna had a purpose in their lives. Einstein had said that to be happy we should not cling to anything or anyone, but must seek a goal in life and pursue it. Simeon and Anna both had one and, once it was accomplished, Simeon was willing to leave for God.

The best is yet to come
It was said about a woman with an incurable disease, whose faith was like that of Teresa of Avila, who wished to die and be reunited with the spouse of her soul. Therefore, without dramas or tragedies, she prepared her own funeral to the smallest detail, wanting it to serve as a lesson to the other members of her Christian community. She died eventually, and during the wake her open casket was exposed in the church, and to everyone’s amazement, instead of seeing her with a rosary in her hands, they saw her with a knife and a fork.

The parish priest in his homily explained that this had been her wish and that she had gotten the idea from the parish banquets she attended. Whenever the waiter collected her plate, he would always say, "Keep the knife and fork, because the best is yet to come."

When old age comes, when all we have on our face is wrinkle, when we can no longer walk not even with the aid of a walker, when we can no longer see what’s under our very nose or hear the honking of cars, when we go to the pharmacy more often than we go to a coffee shop, then we know that suffering has come to stay, but we also know that the best is yet to come, because we are not walking towards the end of our life, but towards the beginning of eternity which is not an extension of time but its absence; this is the Christian hope.

Fr. Jorge Amaro, IMC