October 15, 2015

Chastity as an attitude

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A young monk, gazing at a meadow, beautifully flowered, said to his master, "How difficult chastity is for us monks; it is like standing before a multitude of wonderful smelling flowers, without being able to pick up not even one…  A married man who passed by, on hearing these words observed, "What can those of us who are married say? We pick one flower, intoxicate ourselves with its perfume, and now we have a strong desire to pick up others; doesn't this make chastity more difficult for us? A woman on hearing these statements exclaimed, "Is there greater suffering than not being picked by whom we truly wanted and when we wanted?" God on listening to these three thought, "All three are right, for this reason I promised those who are pure of heart that they shall see me face to face."

Virginity or chastity is a human value that is not innate, nor temporary, nor is it something that is reserved only for priests and nuns. To be called such, human values have to be universally valid. We conclude then that all are called to live in chastity, although the practice of this virtue for each person depends on his or her fundamental choice in life.

Sexuality as a liturgy of love
Until very recently, sexuality was seen as something impure and dirty. Sexual intercourse itself, despite being the sole means for the transmission of life, was seen in a negative light. After Sigmund Freud, we started looking at our sexuality in a more positive way, surpassing even the dichotomies dirty-clean, pure-impure when referring to parts of our anatomy; in this way, today, the vast majority of people regard their bodies as pure and clean as a whole and in each of its parts.

After being dissociated from a hypothetical dark side of our nature, sexuality started also to be understood in a much broader sense beyond purely genital. Human beings are not only masculine or feminine in their anatomy, but also in their mind, personality and character. Masculinity and femininity are therefore two different and complementary ways of being, living and expressing as individuals, and not just referring to gender.

In the context of a couple the conjugal act is, and should be first and foremost, an expression of love and only then as a means of procreation and never, as was theologically understood, as a remedy for concupiscence. In the event the conjugal act is procreative, the child is, and should always be, a fruit of love and not of lust or of concupiscence.

As not all sexual acts lead naturally to transmission of life, we can conclude that, while procreation does not always follow each and every sexual act, love must always precede and accompany each and every one of these acts.

Chastity for all
During the course of history chastity, understood as abstinence, has been the distinct attribute of a few, that is, monks, priests and nuns. The same holiness understood as being the ideal and the objective for all Christians, with few exceptions, was only at reach of the groups mentioned above, because from the start they were considered to be in a better position to achieve this goal. Others were dismissed as candidates for chastity and holiness by the simple fact that they were married.

Married lay people were encouraged to imitate the clergy as much as possible, especially during Lent to include abstinence and fasting from sexual relations; some went so far as to make the vow of priestly chastity, abstaining from any forms of sexual behaviour for the rest of their lives, thus living as brothers and sisters.

As we have said, to be a universal virtue, chastity must be universally applicable to all human beings, whatever the way of being and living in life. This being so, chastity, for most people, cannot mean abstinence from sex since sex is a way to express love and unity between spouses.

In this way, chastity must be sought more in the attitudes than in the acts. All kisses, hugs and caresses can at the same time be an expression of love and of lust, all depending on the intention of the giver and the receiver. As such, there are no pure or impure, clean or dirty acts in themselves; love or lust is not found in the act itself but in the person who acts and on his or her intentions.

What's wrong with pleasure?
This is the question many young adults have asked me within the context of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. My answer has always been, "There is nothing wrong with pleasure as long as obtaining it is not the main objective of any human acts". For example, we enjoy our food and we created hundreds of different kinds of recipes to make it more pleasurable, nevertheless we are not eating for pleasure. Pleasure is not, and must not be, the main reason for eating.

Pleasure can be one of the reasons why we eat, but the first is survival and health. Those who succumb to eating for pleasure quickly ruin their health. We eat with pleasure, to attain health. When the pleasure becomes a primordial intention, it easily can fall into the dynamic of addiction, obsessive and repetitive acts on which there is no control.

What we have said regarding the relation of food-pleasure-health can be applied to the relation of sex-pleasure-love. Pleasure degrades, causes addiction and exploits people, when it is the main reason for sexual intercourse. Pleasure can, and must accompany the sexual act as it does in the act of eating, but it is love that dignifies and gives ethical value to sex.

As Erich Fromm said in his book “To Have or To Be”, Unrestricted satisfaction of all desires is not conducive to well-being, nor is it the way to happiness or even to maximum pleasure. So any enjoyable pleasure throughout life should be restricted within the limits of human nature. Abusing pleasure, whatever the type, beyond human condition and nature, shortens the life and therefore also the pleasure.

Chastity certainly means abstinence for some and sometimes for everyone. However, as a universal value or virtue proposed for all, whether married, single or religious, chastity pertains not only to sexual intercourse, but also to all our acts, thoughts and feelings; whether our sexuality is masculine or feminine, it is transversal and intrinsic to our being, as there are no thoughts, feelings and acts that are asexual.

So chaste are the religious that for the love of the Kingdom they abstain from sexual relations, as a married man who has them for the love he has for his wife. As an attitude, chastity has more to do with the purification of sex, which is putting love before pleasure, than with the absence of it.

Already in the 4th century St. Augustine gave more importance to the attitude than to the act when he said: "Ama et fac quod vis." Love and do whatever you will. To love as defined by St. Thomas Aquinas, is to will the good of the one who is loved, so the one who loves truly cannot do any harm.
Fr. Jorge Amaro, IMC

October 1, 2015

Chastity as second innocence

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"For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.  Let anyone accept this who can." (Matt. 19:12)

"I am still a virgin!", "I am no longer a virgin!"
By the tone of voice and the emphasis used when a young man/woman affirms: "I am still a virgin", or "I am no longer a virgin" we discover immediately the way he/she conceptualizes and lives his/her sexuality. Regardless of them being said with sadness or pride, these two expressions point out the various misunderstandings in regard to sexuality and virginity.

The first sexual intercourse marks a woman physically, psychologically and even culturally differently compared to a man:
Physically - The woman loses her hymen, by which she is no longer physically or technically a virgin; for the man nothing is lost and nothing is gained in this respect.

Psychologically - For both, the act may have been positive, if it took place within the context of love, or negative, if it was sought only for pleasure, and even traumatic, if it was induced by violence.

Culturally - The patriarchal culture, still dominant throughout the world today, regards the first sexual act in an innocuous way or even positively in the case of a man, but negatively or even stigmatizing in case of a woman.

For many people, virginity or chastity is something that is as permanent as a castle in the sand, waiting to be surrendered to the waves of marriage, 'defended' until this takes place or simply to avoid problems. With marriage, the castle ceases to exist and therefore no longer needs to be defended.

Virginity, as synonym of chastity, is a value and a virtue both for men and for women, and is lived by both in the same way; it is therefore not physical, nor something one has at birth and soon to be lost and never to possess again.  The values and virtues that distinguish us and give shape and meaning to our life are not innate, nor are they possessed naturally, on the contrary, they are the result of rigorous discipline and personal efforts with the help of God's grace.

Sigmund Freud proved that the so called chastity, purity or virginity, of children is a myth; far from living in a state of purity, an infant lives in a habitat of lust, without censure, in very subtle ways of sexual self-gratification. It is only by the fourth, fifth and sixth year of life that, through education, the child learns to conform and to live within certain standards of decency.

From that moment on, until the age of 12, 'chastity' appears to be the natural dwelling of children. With the onset of puberty, little by little, nature appears to return in full force claiming its rights.

Slaves of sexual freedom
With the studies of Freud, Wilhelm Reich and others at the end of the 19th century and the sexual revolution of the 1960s, in a short time we went from a negative vision, puritanical and Manichean, of sexuality to a vision of sexuality free from all and any moral constraints. The present day society prostituted sex, understanding it as a consumer good and using it subliminally to advertise anything; in this way, it managed to disconnect sex from reproduction, from love and even from responsibility, spreading the idea that making love is like drinking a cup of water. Not even the risk of AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases of the 1980s, managed to stop this permissive liberal tendency.

The society is so eroticized and permissive that most find it difficult to be chaste, especially those adolescents and young people who are awakening to the vicissitudes of sexual desire, or 'libido', as Freud called it. The first sexual experience occurs increasingly earlier and many, despite being physically ready for it, are not psychologically, morally and spiritually prepared.

The results are there for everyone to see: an elevated degree of promiscuity that leads to breaking of existing ties, divorce rate of 51% in Portugal, 43% in Canada and 40-50% in US, as well as to choosing to live together, instead of marrying.

There are fewer and fewer people who manage to pass from the purity and innocence of childhood to the matured adult chastity without going through negative, traumatic and stigmatizing sexual experiences; increasingly are those who learn from mistakes they have committed, like in Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. They undergo a similar experience to that of Adam and Eve, banished from the paradise of innocence because of their disobedience. However, the saving power of Jesus available to all secures them a second chance, a second innocence.

From prostitute to virgin
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 18:3)

There are values and virtues that children have naturally and that we adults, at Jesus' command, are called to acquire in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for this to occur, in some way, we need to be born again, like Jesus advised Nicodemus. When Jesus says blessed are the poor, he is not referring to those who are born poor and live in poverty, due to their economic and financial conditions, but rather to those who are rich and decide to be poor; that is, exchanging material wealth for spiritual wealth.

The same applies to the value of innocence, virginity, or chastity for the Kingdom of Heaven; it is not a question of innate innocence or virginity, because of ignorance and lack of experience at a time when the sex hormones, testosterone and progesterone, were not at their peak of production; but rather it deals with a conscious virtue acquired by the grace of God, by prayer and by daily efforts.

The prodigal son and Mary Magdalene both learned what ‘true love’ is after having experienced something that appeared to be love, but was not. After knowing Christ, Mary Magdalene whom some scholars referred to as being a prostitute, becomes a virgin because she followed the Lord. In the same way the prodigal son, only understands what true love and freedom are after having abused both values, and having suffered the consequences.

The virgins for the Kingdom of Heaven are those who, whatever may be their past, choose to live and to love without the physical expression of love, which leads to the formation of a small human family, in order to be placed at the service of a larger human family. They choose to be and to live like Jesus, their master and their Lord, who was also a virgin so to dedicate the best of themselves, their entire being, their time and energy to the Kingdom of Heaven.                               
Fr. Jorge Amaro, IMC