“If quantum mechanics has not profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made up of things that cannot truly be understood as real.” —
Niels BohrPhysics is the mother of science Physics is, in itself, a worldview, in other words, a matrix of our thinking. It is not the same to observe the world from Newton's mechanistic and materialistic perspective as it is to see it through the lens of quantum physics.
Contemporary thinking no longer explains reality based on Newton’s mechanistic physics, but on the theory of relativity and quantum physics. However, most thinkers, scientists, and even theologians still have their minds shaped by Newtonian physics.
The world of politics, universities, the media, and the economy is a world of cause and effect, where a cause always produces the same effect; thus, it is an atheistic, materialistic, and mechanistic world. Quantum physics, being new, will still need time to establish itself as the new worldview, and when it does, it will make belief much easier.
Universities, politics, and intellectuals are therefore outdated, behind the times and out of sync with the new reality. They live in an obsolete worldview. To update themselves, they must divorce Newton and marry Heisenberg. The world does not look nor work the way they believe it does.
Talking about the miracles of Jesus in the light of Newtonian mechanics, where reality works like a perfect machine in the unalterable routine of a clock, is more difficult than approaching the same topics from the perspective of relativity theory and quantum physics, where fixed and absolute laws of nature no longer exist, but is replaced by statistical probabilities.
Heisenberg’s principle goes even further by suggesting that reality, far from being fixed and predictable, has a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. Quantum physics challenges even common sense.
For Einstein, matter is a form of energy and energy is a form of matter; 95% of the universe is made up of dark matter, which is invisible. How much easier it is to talk about the resurrection of Christ’s glorious body and the spiritual body we will have after death!
Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics profoundly alters our paradigms, challenging the logic that has governed science and our lives, breaking down boundaries that once seemed insurmountable, and putting an end to dualisms that opposed realities that we thought were opposites, such as:
Matter and energy
Static and dynamic
Visible and invisible
Tangible and intangible
Predictable and unpredictable
Material and spiritual
Scientific and philosophical
Let us examine some of these oppositions in more detail:Matter/Energy – The heart of matter is as intangible as energy. The world of atoms and subatomic particles is essentially energy. Although we can measure and weigh atoms, the particles that compose them are made up of electric charges and are in motion, thus exhibiting the properties of energy. In essence, matter is describable and quantifiable, but in existence, it is energy, as it reacts, creates waves, and manifests an electric potential.
Visible and solid matter is composed of invisible elements, and the deeper we penetrate into the center of matter, the less mass and more empty space we encounter. Subatomic particles are, in fact, manifestations of energy. Therefore, what once seemed solid and visible is now reduced to electromagnetic waves. Thus, our body and everything that exists materially are nothing more than condensed vibrating energy.
Matter/Spirit – Materialism loses its rationale, since matter consists of invisible, almost spiritual elements. The atom, which is the "soul" of matter, is as invisible as the human soul within the body. Therefore, it is not only human beings who have a soul; matter, somehow, also possesses it.
Inert/Alive – It is no longer evident that only organic matter has life. Subatomic particles show us that life can also exist at the level of quarks, although distinct from the life we know.
Visible/Invisible – The boundary between the visible and the invisible is also blurring. The mass of an atom accounts for less than 1% of its total volume; the rest is empty space, i.e. the distance between the nucleus and the electron.
Static/Dynamic – The matter that makes up objects appears static, but this is an illusion. In reality, everything is in motion. The electron orbits the nucleus of an atom at 2,200 kilometers per second.
In quantum mechanics, visible matter is composed of invisible elements; it appears static when, in fact, it is in motion, and although it seems different from energy, it is merely one form of it.
The Dignity of the Human Person"You have made us for Yourself, Lord, and our hearts will be restless until they rest in You." —
Saint AugustineAtheism is an intellectual conjecture, while agnosticism is an intellectual laziness, typical of a small minority that lives comfortably in the consumerism of an affluent society. The majority of the world’s population are religious, and this has been the case throughout history and in all cultures.
The evolution of species has resulted in a thinking human being, who either opposes or stands above the rest of Creation, just as the thumb opposes the other fingers of the hand. This fact indicates that humans have a destiny distinct from that of other living beings.
Only humans yearn for eternity and thirst for God. If there is thirst, there must be water to quench it. Therefore, the desire for God, present in every human being, is proof of His existence.
Belief is a Free Choice Despite all the efforts of scientists to understand the mysteries of the universe and reduce the domain of religion, they have never found an unequivocal proof that compels people to believe or not to believe. Science studies the "how”, but not the "why”. Answers to the latter questions are found in the realm of faith and religion.
This being so, scientists will have to admit that the faith in a God creator of the Universe and the creation of human beings at His own image and likeness is a more plausible and logic position than the one of atheists and agnostics, that we and the Universe comes from nothing. Can nothing create something?
In Nature we do not see anything that creates itself, there is always a creator outside the creature, so how can the Universe create itself. That the Universe always existed is a position that science itself has abandoned since the discover of the BIG Bang and the Universe in expansion.
Conclusion - As long as our minds remain confined to Newton's outdated mechanistic physics, atheism seems obvious. But embracing quantum physics reveals a fluid, unpredictable reality where the boundaries between material and spiritual, visible and invisible, blur. This challenges atheism and opens new paths to deeper faith.